We empower companies and landowners with high impact sustainability initiatives and new revenue opportunities. Our tech and services help lower costs, simplify complexity, and monetize latent assets.

Tech for
Sustainable Value

Man staring at natural valley atop cliff
Totality at the intersection of Tech, ESG, and Operations

About Totality.AI

We take a macro approach to solving problems, identifying frictional costs, and eliminating inefficiency. We aim to improve socially responsible operations, democratize new revenue opportunities, and leverage tech to accelerate and scale great ideas.

Our founders are Texas nerds that got into the tech, energy, and operations business. With over a decade of experience at the Apple of Oil (EOG Resources) building and deploying best-in-class systems, real time optimization algorithms, ESG ops software, and real-time automation.

Simply put, we help make 'doing the right thing', great for business.

Tailored to maximize returns and uncover unconventional opportunities to capitalize on latent assets

Discover opportunities to increase ESG impact and returns

We identify compelling opportunities with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) upside. Our tech and services help monetize latent assets (i.e. gathering systems, excess infrastructure capacity, communications networks, and others) to improve utilization and generate incremental revenue for asset owners.

Become a partner

Let's work together to shape the future of high return ESG initiatives and operational improvements.


Good Things Network

Low Power Long Range IOT Connectivity

10+ miles
Coverage per Gateway
Sensors and growing network

Good Things Network

Our Good Things Network helps lower costs and enable remote capabilities

We leverage long-range low-power wide area connectivity to provide an open secure internet of things network. In short, our tech lowers cost, improves sensor battery life (multiple years), reduces redundancy, and limits signal interference for remote operations.

Good Things Network Logo

Monetize latent assets

We deliver profitable, actionable, and mutually beneficial opportunities without the cost and complexity of bankers, brokers, and sales folks.

Accelerate Impact

Focus on the highest return opportunities


Drive Efficiency

Improve operations and generate new income streams from existing assets


Transform Processes

Level the information playing field


Improve operations and ESG initiatives with tailored services

Our data-driven process and operational insights provide rapid uplift and impact.

Let's work together, ideas around computer

New Revenue Opportunities

green check icon

Monetize Latent Assets

Sell access or capacity on your existing land, power/ gathering lines, and equipment

green check icon

Evaluate Carbon Market

Estimate carbon credit and capture potential, compare options and navigate certification

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Renewable Evaluation

Calculate potential for renewable energy generation and various options

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Land Recommendations

Leverage land for recreation, timber, carbon sequestration, and much more

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Overhead Reduction

Lower frictional costs, coordination, and broker fees

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Crypto Options

Evaluate feasibility of crypto mining operations within existing operations


We are grateful to our partners, clients, and advisors who are helping shape the future of operational tech and high impact ESG initiatives.

Totality Engagements

Three Tree icons

Large Land Conglomerate

Develop carbon credit/ capture, crypto, renewable energy opportunities
Lightning in circle icon

Permian E&P

Recommend Vapor Recovery Unit ops improvements and carbon credit options
World in hand icon

Investment Firm

Develop inaugural Sustainability Report and firm level emissions
Recycle icon

Plastics Recycler

Prepare Scope 1/2 emissions, recommend highest reduction options

Let's work together

We help companies and landowners make more money and do the right thing.

We work with clients representing 20MM+ acres in the United States pioneering socially responsible  revenue opportunities and lower operating costs.

Help us get to know you.

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